Every month since she was born I have written in a journal about her milestones and things that she is doing and learning. So I figured I would start blogging on the major ages and stages. ;)
At 18 Months old ~ Paisley is.....
*25 pounds
*Wearing a size 4-5 shoe
*Wearing 18-24 months clothes
*Wearing a size 5 diaper
*Starting to grow more hair! YAY!
*Copying everything we do
*Becoming more picky on foods...booo :( just like her daddy
Paisley has such a personality! She loves shoes, bows and jewelry just like me but she also loves being outside and riding the Ranger with daddy. She is learning so much and soaks up everything that we teach her. She loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Yo Gabba Gabba, and Dora! And she will sing all the songs from the shows. She has started smiling so big for the camera and will say cheese (sometimes I have to bribe her with chocolate)! She is obsessed with brushing her teeth...lol...everytime she sees a toothbrush she say teeeeth and wants to brush them! She also plays tea party with me and LOVES playing with her baby dolls and strolling them around the house.
Paisleys facial features are starting to change a little and she is looking a little more like me, which I love! There are so many things that Paisley does that makes my day everytime. She will pat my arm and say momma momma, like she is proud that she knows who I am. She plays with my earrings and wants to wear my bracelets. She will hug me and wrap her two little arms around my neck. She will give a kiss and pucker her lips up so big, its adorable! And lately she has only been wanting me, she is such a mommas girl and I am soaking up everybit of love that I can because I know that soon enough she will become a daddys girl and I will be jealous.
The other day I was leaving my moms house and she yelled out to me "I love you as much as you love Paisley!!" And I haven't really ever thought about that. I know my mom loves me like crazy, but when I really thought about how much I love Paisley, just to think that I have someone that loves me that much too, just makes my heart smile. Words can't even begin to express how much love I have for my baby girl. I just want time to slow down, I am already planning her 2nd Birthday party and I know these next 6 months will fly by so fast and so many things willl change and then I will be a mommy of a 2 year old.