Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Our 2nd Home Sweet Home

Wow! It has been almost a month since we have been home from Daytona Beach, our favorite place to be next to home. I have been meaning to put up a post about our vacation but have been so busy! Here are a few pictures of MANY that I took. We had a terrific time, it's always our relaxing week away from EVERYTHING. All we do is sleep, eat, and play in the water. Its. the. best. feeling. EVER. We have been going to Daytona for 22 years now as a family "tradition". And this year seemed to be a little different than last. Last year I was pregnant with Miss Paisley and this year she was with us! And let me tell you, this little girl had a blast and a lot of "firsts" this trip. I love being with my family in Daytona, but now it's even more special to have our own little family within our BIG family.
Paisley's First Time at Sun Viking Lodge
(and yes she jumped on the bed like we used to as soon as we got there)

Paisley's First Time at Aunt Catfish's
Our most favorite restaurant- we get a picture here EVERY Year
Paisley's First Time watching Fireworks! She LOVED them!

Paisley's First Sunrise
(Well, actually being outside and watching the sunrise :P)
I love this one...too sweet
Paisley's First Time playing in the sand and EATING it too!
Couldn't resist this....she played to hard the day before :)My FAV mother/daughter picture of us- She is my SUNSHINE Our Family
Our Paisley Brooke 7 Months old
God has truly Blessed us!
Our Goodbye to Mr. Viking!

Until we meet again next year....By then Paisley will be standing next to the Viking :)